
Philips consulting Firms Limited.

Requires the services of our client An NGO who seeks suitably qualified candidates to fill this role.


  • Design a training curriculum to build the capacity of households within different rural classes to conduct their own market assessment.
  • Conduct a pilot test of the curriculum among select households.
  • Design a curriculum as appropriate for the training of .
  • Field agents and Liaison’s on mobile penetration and usage.
  • Conduct a pilot test of the curriculum among select target participants.


  • The consultant should adapt Mercy Corps existing labor market assessment tools, as well as other relevant tools available from the consortium partners.

Consultant Deliverable:
The consultant will deliver the following set of written deliverable to Mercy Corps:

  • Training curriculum to build the capacity of households to conduct their own market assessment.
  • Result of pilot test of the training curriculum to build the capacity of households to conduct their own market assessment.
  • A curriculum for the training of Field agents and Liaison’s on mobile penetration and usage.
  • Result of pilot test of the training curriculum for the training of field agents and liaison’s on mobile penetration and usage.

Organizational Support:

  • The consultant will be managed by the SVH Income Generation Team Leader and the Mercy Corps Country Director. Members of Mercy Corps Technical Support Unit (Based in the US and Europe) can provide limited remote technical support, if required.

Time frame/ Schedule:

  • Mercy Corps anticipates that this assignment will require 15 Days to complete based on a 5 Day’s work week, subject to discussion and agreement with the consultant.
  • Design a training curriculum to build the capacity of households within different rural classes to conduct their own market assessment.
  • Conduct a pilot test of the curriculum among select households.
  • Design a curriculum as appropriate for the training of Field agents and Liaison’s on mobile penetration and usage.
  • Conduct a pilot test of the curriculum among select target participants.
  • Submission of reports.

Qualifications and Requirements:

  • A minimum of a Degree in a relevant discipline
  • 3-5 years working experience

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